Sunday, October 24, 2010

sunday morning...

we woke to cloudy skies that have been threatening rain all day. wind.
the blankets were warm and cuddles were abundant on this stormy morning.
a fire was soon made, making our whole apartment warmish and cheery.
tea and waffles and a lot of nostalgia for breakfast.
married for almost 5 months, we say to each other in wonder.
he smiles.
i smile.
those pencil eyes pierce me with warm love. so loved. so blessed.
tea is gone. wind blows in. more cuddles.
tickling and laughter and then stillness.
shhh..... be still.
"i love you"
"i love you too baby"



  1. That is an epic picture.

    Sounds like a great Sunday! :) Can't wait to see you!

  2. the picture is epic... it would be more epic if i had taken it instead of googling "sweet clouds", which is what i did. haha.
    can't wait to see you both!
